Well, my spam/virus amounts have increased already to over 300 per day, and the unfortunate thing is that around 10-20 of them get through SpamAssassin, ClamAV and Bayesian analysis. So I thought I'd …
Software design
Thoughts on "Bringing design to software". 5 core processes of interaction design: understand, abstract, structure, represent, detail. Design languages are used to create products and help in learning …
Don't draw diagrams of wrong practices – or: Why people still believe in the Waterfall model
The Waterfall model is originally invented by Winston W. Royce in 1970. He wrote a scientific article that contained his personal views on software development. In the first half of the article, he …
Reducing the static buzz of Treo 600, take 2
OK, the buzz returned, but it only manifests itself when the battery is low on charge. A couple of days ago I reopened the Treo to check that the original aluminium patch is still there, and it is. …
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Software Suspend 2 on Linux 2.6.x
Software Suspend 2 is a nice system to completely hibernate your computer without need for ACPI or APM. Here are the steps needed to make it work: Get the correct version of the system from …
Learning objects aren't such a hot deal after all
Teemu Leinonen has some good critique on learning objects, check that out. My personal and educated opinion is that LOs are just a desperate attempt of educational publishers to keep their revenues …
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